Doing the Hard Things

I’ve run a couple marathons.  Done some triathlons. Sat silently next to friends whose spouses passed away way too early.  I’ve been up all night night-after-night with sick kids, put beloved animals to sleep, stayed behind to sell houses when my husband’s job transferred him to other states, and sat in hospital waiting rooms while biding time for…

When Hope is Hidden

  We’ve all been there.  You might still be there.  Today.  This minute. I am. You’re hoping for something, but you can’t even begin to comprehend how it will ever come to fruition. You want to have hope.  You need to have hope. Hope itself is something that almost needs to be inherent if you’re in the lowest point…

Monday Mondays 1.23.17

My gosh. Not a democracy, but a republic (that’s a pet peeve of mine) can be a very very messy thing, even if the passing of power is peaceful. Regardless of who you voted for, my wish is that we would start focusing more on what we agree on instead of what we don’t! We…

monday mondays 1.9.17

Happy New Year!!! Well, with a new year, I aim once again to blog more.  I probably could’ve  posted a whole bunch of these Monday posts if only I’d actually taken the time to post them; I have tons of links I’ve sent to myself but I’m wary of only doing these link posts. I…