Monday Mondays 6.28.15

News-wise, what a week, huh?  Sometimes it makes me want to be 11 years old again and oblivious to life beyond my own four walls. Beheadings. Murder rampages inside a church. Sweeping Supreme Court decisions. Suicide bombs inside a Muslim mosque. All I can think is… where’s the good news? First, my God is bigger…

The Importance of Creation

So… you think maybe I’m talking about Creation, as in, “In the beginning, God created the Heavens and Earth.” Well…. yes. And… no. The other day, I turned into kid again for a while.  No, my wrinkles didn’t go away, and I can’t climb trees with the ease I used to be able to climb.  But…

Monday Mondays 6.22.15

I receive A-Poem-A-Day delivered to my email inbox, well, every day.  I’ve been getting them for years, because as a homeschooler, it’s always good to have a little culture in school, and also because it seems not many people read poetry much any more.  I don’t always read all of the poems (ones about bugs…

There’s only One way to become a New Creation

I normally shy away from bringing up issues that have the potential to cause dissent.  Things that might be deemed politically correct, or “too” religious, or accepted by the wider culture we live in.  Except, the other day I was out running errands, and while waiting in line, the tabloids in the check out area exulted the…

Monday Mondays 6.15.15

    It seems that summer is here.  While I’m a weirdo in that I actually LIKE the heat,  It’s a great time for nature to show off its stuff.  For instance, our bees are filling up their comb again. So much so that we might be able to harvest another round of honey in…

Give Someone a Hug Today

This is our 2nd son.  He’s in the Air Force overseas, and this picture was taken last May before he shipped out to his first duty station.  He’ll be deploying to “the sandbox” a month from today. For OPSEC purposes, that’s all that can be said, but suffice it to say, this is one of…

Books that Changed my Life, Pt. 2

Several weeks ago, I asked you what books have changed your life.  I listed a few of my favorites, but like Lay’s potato chip commercial betting that you “can’t eat just one,” I can’t pick just one book – or even three or five – that are my favorites.  Same goes for movies and songs!  Anyway, some…

Monday Mondays 6.8.15

  ir·ri·ta·tion ˌirəˈtāSH(ə)n/ noun the state of feeling annoyed, impatient, or angry. synonyms: annoyance, exasperation, vexation, indignation, impatience,crossness, displeasure, chagrin, piquenoun the state of feeling annoyed, impatient, or angry. synonyms: annoyance, exasperation, vexation, indignation, impatience, crossness, displeasure, chagrin, pique   a cause of this. plural noun: irritations “the minor irritations of life” a cause of…

Fried Egg Salad

I’m pretty much up for trying most foods unless they involve mushrooms. I know, I know. I hear all the time how positively uncivilized I am because I dislike them. And – trust me – I’ve tried to like them. But… I just don’t. So when my husband and I were in Atlanta a few…