
 ~Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, at your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God.~

Psalm 84:3

12405-blue-swallow-designI am a glass half-full kind of person, an introvert, a Christian, news junkie, wife, stay-at-home homeschooling mom, writer, exercise freak extraordinaire, avid reader, and foodie to the core.

Oh, and I hate horror movies.

Growing up in suburbia, I never thought I’d live in the country, much less enjoy having a garden or want chickens so I could have fresh eggs.  I never saw myself as a sometime babysitter to bees or cows, but I am.

I’m fairly philosophical, and although I was always better at English in school than math or science, I’m fascinated by Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, Michael Crichton books, or even Bill Nye the Science Guy.

I like to save money at the grocery, but I’d rather do it by making my own bread & jam or canning salsa from homegrown jalapenos and tomatoes instead of buying generic or couponing everything to death (which I have done).

I still think the Beatles are the best band ever, and while I listen to Christian music, I don’t turn up my nose at Lenny Kravitz, the White Stripes or Imagine Dragons.  Ditto for TV, movies and books.  Persuasion by Jane Austen is my favorite book, but John Grisham or J.K. Rowling is worthwhile too.  While I love to watch movies or shows that swell up inside of you, like Braveheart or Toy Story, I will watch The Good Wife, The Americans, or Orphan Black.  I’m a firm believer that to speak to the culture around us, even if we’re not of this world, we most assuredly live in it and should understand it so we can communicate love and truth to those who don’t live in a world of church-speak.

Mushrooms are my mortal enemy, although I’ve overcome my childhood distaste of brusselsprouts.

I think the beach is the best place in the world.  I will do whatever it takes to get there from the mountains at least once a year.

I’m focused, dedicated, loyal and find I have no greater talent than simply loving the people around me.

12 thoughts on “About

  1. Beatles: definitely the best band ever. Horror movies: Why? Books: Jane Eyre, but Rowling and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil are close seconds. Shawshank Redemption gets me every time, but also spend time with Lost, Bones and CSI. We’ll definitely have to exchange book and movie recommendations in the near future. Looking forward to traveling in the world with you, spreading love, light and truth.

    • Even though I know it’s just a movie, I tend to be so sympathetic to the characters that horror films make me want to throw up and interfere with sleep. I just avoid them if at all possible. Yes to Jane Eyre, LOST, and I can watch Shawshank back to back, then still want to watch it again. Funny, I was just in Savannah but because of rain, didn’t get to the Bonaventure cemetery. It’s definitely on my to-do list next time. Yes, I would love to share book recommendations with you; based on your comment you sound like my kind of people! Thanks for stopping by – God Bless!

  2. Totally relate to you on the horror movie thing. I too get sympathetic pains when watching movies. It flows over in other genre’s too. I have to leave the room during one particular scene of Jane Austen’s “Emma” because of sympathetic embarrassment. It happens on every film version I’ve seen…and the book too. In a way I enjoy my sensitivity though because it helps me delve deeper into the stories I read and watch.

    • Yes! I’m the same way Rachel, and I know just which scene you mean… the one at the picnic where Emma brutalizes poor Miss Bates. Watching The Office always did the same thing to me because you could just see the train wrecks coming with Michael Scott! Like you, I’m learning to embrace my introversion instead of feel like I’m “less than” because of it. Reading Susan Cain’s “Quiet” went a long way toward that for me.

      • That is exactly the scene! Thank you for validating my discomfort. I will have to add that book to my list. I just this year began to embrace my introvertedness. Thanks for the recommendation. 🙂

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